It’s Never too Late to go Back to School!
A few years ago, I taught non-credit courses at a local community college. I was teaching classes on how to buy and sell on eBay. I anticipated a range of ages, but found that most of my students were retired seniors. What surprised me were the skills that I ended up teaching (basic computer skills), and how much my audience loved being in “school”. They had a large interest in the advancements in technology, loved the routine of being back in a classroom, and were looking to gain any new knowledge possible.
We are seeing a rise in senior citizens who are going back to school. Some are just like my students, wanting something to do that challenges them. Some have a goal to do what they didn’t do before, earn a degree.
Whether it be a goal to earn a high school diploma, advance an education, or just for something new to learn and fun to do, local community colleges and universities offer many courses that all ages can enjoy! It’s never to late to learn something new!
Check out this inspiring story!
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Resources for seniors going back to school
Guide for College: