This time of the year everywhere you go there is a sweet something waiting for you. It may be the soft cookies, rich hot chocolate, or that baked good you haven’t had since last year. It is inevitable that this will happen to us at some point between now and Jan. 1st before we all make our New Year’s Resolution.
But what about memories associated with those temptations? Did you enjoy spending time in the kitchen with a parent or grandparent frosting cookies? Or the smell of cinnamon and cloves remind you of a special someone? Traditions and memories are what we think of when incorporating those things into our own family’s traditions. Sometimes we make new ones and some we don’t change from what we have come to know from growing up.
I encourage you all to make a tradition, with your kids, your husband, friends, or even a stranger. Think about how rewarding it will feel after doing it. The warm fuzzy feelings it gives you. The memories you will cherish from it. Make sure it is something you will want to continue each year.
One of my favorite quotes from the kids movie Kung Fu Panda is, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called The Present.” This is so true. So go out- make memories and treat your life as a gift.
And as my gift to you to you today a link for cookies and bars! Just click here!